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GWL Summit 2024



Welcome to the Speaker Guidelines for GWL Summit 2024. This brief guide is designed to help our speakers create a compelling and engaging presentation that resonates with our virtual audience.

From understanding your audience to crafting a captivating story, these tips will ensure your presentation leaves a lasting impact. Let's get started on the journey to an impactful virtual conference presentation!

Our virtual conference will bring together a diverse global audience of mid to senior level women executives, including:

Emerging Leaders in Tech: Young professionals aspiring to excel in the tech industry, seeking leadership insights.

Women in Business Leadership: Female executives, CEOs, and managers aiming to enhance their leadership skills and address gender-related challenges.

STEM Professionals and Researchers: Women making impactful contributions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, looking to advance their careers.

Diversity and Inclusion Advocates: Professionals passionate about promoting diversity and inclusion in workplaces, from HR to diversity roles.

Early Career Professionals: Recent graduates and early career individuals seeking guidance on setting career goals and finding mentors.

Government and Nonprofit Sector Leaders: Women leading in government or nonprofits, interested in public sector leadership and social impact strategies.

  • Recording Platform: Our speakers will be using the web-based software Tella for recording presentations. We will provide access to this platform to ensure a consistent and high-quality recording process.
  • Presentation Length: Aim to keep your presentation between 15 to 20 minutes. This timeframe is ideal for keeping the audience engaged and retaining their focus in the virtual format.
  • Speaker Introduction: Prior to starting your presentation, briefly introduce yourself to the virtual audience. Share your name, credentials, and a brief overview of your expertise to establish credibility and engage the audience.
  • Content Clarity: Focus on clear and concise content delivery. Ensure your key messages are well-structured and easy for the virtual audience to understand.
  • Visual Aids: Incorporate visuals that enhance your presentation. Use slides, images, and graphics to complement your spoken content and provide visual interest.
  • Technical Check: Before recording, conduct a technical check to ensure your microphone, camera, and software settings are functioning correctly. Make sure you're in a well-lit environment with minimal background noise.
  • Practice: Rehearse your presentation multiple times to ensure a smooth and confident delivery. This will help you stay within the allotted time and minimise any hiccups during the recording.
  • Engage with the Camera: Speak directly to the camera to establish a connection with the virtual audience. Maintain eye contact with the lens to create a more personal experience.
  • Recording Environment: Choose a quiet and well-organised space for your recording. Minimise distractions and ensure you are comfortable in your environment.
  • Submission Deadline: Your presentation must be submitted by 10th January 2024. Adhering to this submission deadline is crucial as it allows us to review and prepare your presentation for the virtual conference.
  • Q&A Preparation: Be ready for a Q&A session (via Live Chat) that may follow your presentation. Anticipate potential questions and prepare thoughtful responses to engage with the audience.
  • Enjoy the Experience: Above all, enjoy the experience of presenting at our virtual conference. Your knowledge and insights will be valuable to our audience, and we look forward to your contribution.

Set Your Goal:
- Clearly define your presentation's objective.
- What's the main message you want to convey?

Know Your Audience:
- Understand your audience's needs and interests. Tailor your content to match their expectations.

Structure Your Content:
- Organise your presentation logically, including an introduction, main content, and conclusion.

Capture Attention at the Start:
- Project confidence and expertise.
- Use compelling openings like questions, relevant stories, bold statements, imaginative prompts, or factual evidence.
- Briefly outline your agenda to provide context.

Effective Delivery:
- Add vocal variety by adjusting tone, volume, and pace.
- Minimise filler words to improve clarity.
- Maintain confident body language and practice through self-recording.

End with Impact:
- Close memorably using techniques like summarising key points, quoting a relevant source, sharing a personal motto, or issuing a call to action.
- Craft a powerful closing statement to leave a lasting impression.
- These steps will guide you to create a compelling and engaging presentation that resonates with your audience.

Here are some useful guidelines on how to create a good-looking video that your audience will want to watch.


  • If you’re filming at home, the easiest go-to background is a tidy bookshelf or a wall with some artwork. You can also use blurred backgrounds.
  • A plain wall can appear boring so do avoid if possible.
  • A cluttered background is similarly problematic. As well as looking untidy, visual clutter in the background can also be highly distracting for people.
  • Try to avoid too many bright colours in the background.


  • Natural light is always best.
  • Facing toward a window can provide great natural light.
  • Never film with a window behind you as you will appear in silhouette.
  • If using artificial light sources (e.g. overhead, lamps or specialist lights), please make sure the light falls on you and not the background. This will ensure you remain the focus.
  • Avoid any lighting from below your face or only on one side as this will create hard shadows.

Camera Angles

  • Do raise your computer or webcam to head height so that you look straight at the camera, not down or up towards it.
  • Please look and speak directly towards the camera lens and not at the screen. Looking into the camera lens when speaking allows viewers to feel like you are talking directly to them.

Audio quality is crucial in video making. Viewers may overlook poor image quality but not poor audio.

  • If you have access to an external mic, please use this - as this will provide the best sound quality.
  • If you have to use your phone’s or computer’s audio you should record the video in a closed room to limit external noise.
  • Try to record in a location without an echo.
  • Check for any background noises you may normally screen out. If possible, turn them off.
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